S1E12 – The baby's name

Photo by Olha Ivanova

One of the questions I received the most after saying I was pregnant was what the sex of the baby was. I confess that I did not understand the reason for the question because it did not make any difference to me. I started to realize the distinction of treatment between genders from my pregnancy. But this would become even more accentuated after the baby was born. Well, since everyone was curious about it, through the ultrasound it was possible to see that a beautiful girl was growing inside me. Here, I name her Serena. I thought to myself “the best thing about me is my daughter, I will dedicate myself and do everything in my power to make her a great woman”. 

There is no manual that teaches how to be a mother, but there are many books, courses, videos on YouTube, information available on the internet that we can read to inform ourselves and seek the best alternatives for raising our children. The following months continued to be full of intense investigations about what to eat, pregnancy characteristics, the size of my baby that week, how to take care of the skin to avoid stretch marks, what clothes were appropriate during pregnancy, transitory and permanent body changes, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, normal delivery versus cesarean delivery, delivery in the bathtub, Kegel’s exercises for pregnant woman…. a myriad of things! I do not need to say that I did not have access to half of that, do I?

The exercises I did were walking intensely, many kilometers every day to find a home; the food I consumed was healthy because they were offered for free at the university or those ones I could buy with a little money I had leftover. I did have intense episodes of nausea, but I had not too many food options. What I wanted was that my daughter could be born healthy and safe, I tried not to create too many expectations because I knew that this way, I would avoid having great frustrations. Some things cannot be idealized because we cannot always control everything, every detail, every factor. Now my baby already had a name, chosen by me and Axe in accordance and with lots of love. It was our first gift to her. Naming Serena gave a name for my cause, and the strength to keep me fighting for what I wanted.

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